fiction, poetry and musings

by Laogeodritt

As the others dance

The door
Towers above you
Grand. Majestic.
Carved ornate motifs in gilded wood
and metal
and marble all around
inviting you into its world.

The flames danced in the breeze

A daughter of the village has passed away. Presiding over the funerary vigil, the village matron reflects upon her death.

The Potential of a Duck

Quack! Like a duck!

What Does It Matter?

Having just received the news of Sarah’s death, Laura prepares to return home. As she waits at the bus stop, her thoughts scatter into the storm.

Ghosts of the Woods

Laura inherits her childhood home. As she tries to clean it up, she finds the place haunted by the ghosts of her past.

Hi, Mister Bus

On her way from an audition, Laura meets an old friend. A lot has changed for her since the last time they spoke.

call it in

a birthday party. the house is silent.

A Christmas Fire

[Life is Strange] Christmas Eve at the Caulfield residence: a rough evening for both the girls, with an informal wake in Arcadia Bay serving as a difficult reminder of the October storm. Chloe, unable to sleep, goes down to the living room to clear her mind. / A simple, contemplative one-shot, meant as an exercise to ease into writing LiS and finding their voices.